Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Camping in Bum's Rest Poor-mans Motor home

Here we go, heading for Key West, Florida for Christmas and New Year's. These pictures our from August when we bought our new toy. This is our first trip using it. Wayne is done working and I took a leave of absence for a few weeks. We have celebrated Christmas with all the kids and family this past week.
We should be in Key West on Christmas day. I will post when I can get wifi. I don't have broadband Verizon anymore. So, I hope I can post pictures and blog as we travel around the Keys and through Florida.
       MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL                                         


  1. Hey, I hope that you haven't sold your boat! You just can't stay away from the Florida Keys! Enjoy your camping trip. We are headed to the Toronto Boat show this week.....gotta smell that fiberglass!
    Pat and Walt - Waves of Grace - in the boat barn this year.

  2. Hi there... Bum's Rest is on the hard in NJ in home port with snow on her. Glad we are down here and alot warmer this year too. Love it here. Plan to do it next year also. Are you buying in Toronto baot show. Yours is so nice. Glad to hear from you both and Happy New Year. Wayne, Patti and Sailor
