Wayne talking to WayneO on Skype.
I took this of Kathy blogging.
Today we came up to the restaurant to go online. Internet here is in and out all day. I just got to post on Microsoft works word processor and save my postings to paste later on the blog. Kathy had shown me how to do that. Everytime I have internet to post, Lori came on facebook, then WayneO called on Skype. Then he called back to tell us that Mom Mom Bumm was in the hospital. So, then I went to get Wayne, so we could fine out about his Mom. After dinner he did get to talk to her with skyping. We really don’t know much at this time.
Diving sailboats, Morning Star and Pirate's Lady arcross from us.
Two big diving sailboats came in today. Morning Star and Pirate’s Lady. I cooked tonight. Homemade baked ziti, salad and homemade brownies with cream. After dinner, Christine, from Morning Star came other with leftover steak that they didn’t eat. It was marinating and still has to be cooked. That’s tomorrow’s nights dinner. The marina had loud music playing around the bar. That's where the cooks from the diving boat’s cooked for the crew. 
Chopping up the conch on our dock.
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