Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last boat ride before going home..........

This is the ramp where we put in Bum'sRush today, by Gasparilla Island. The little, I mean little marina is Eldgers. $5.35 to use the ramp.
Going out into the harbor.
We took an 10 mile run by Gasparilla Island over to Cayo Costa State Park. We have been here back in 2006 anchored in the harbor in Bum'sRest. You can see sailboats in the background.
The park rangers drive you over to the beach side (Gulf). I walked out to take a picture, Sailor is not allowed on the beaches. It is so pretty here. The ranges come back and picked us up at 4pm. to the bay side to the docks.
On the way back, Sailor is in "Flipper Alert". We did see about 8 of them.
The last ride in Bum'sRush till when????? Oh Boy....  Doesn't Wayne look happy...LOL
Looking back into the little harbor looking at the marina.
Getting ready for the ride back to camp.
He was actually being good. LOL  Anyway, he was so tired, he crashed as soon as he got into the truck for the ride home. Too funny.
I took this as we were going over the bridge into Punta Gorda. Wow.

After Wayne got the boat into the site and ran water through the engine, we were set to go out to dinner. He had found this Peace River Seafood Restaurant within 10 minutes from here. Sailor was welcome on the deck. We ate shrimp and crab cakes.  When we came back we walked around the RV park.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Took a ride...

Today we looked at one of the park models here that someone is selling. Just getting some ideas. We decided we are both over this place. So...... We drove over to the Fisherman's Wharf an had lunch at Harpoon Harry's, which Sailor was welcomed. It was nice out on the deck next to the water.

We took a ride about 15 miles from here to Gasparilla Island. We had to pay a $5.00 toll to go on the Island. The water here looks nice. Beautiful homes here and beaches and it looks very pricey for us Bum's. LOL

We are planning to take the boat there tomorrow. There is a ramp/parking before the toll road. Still have to pay for parking. Wayne has checked out his GPS of the area. An 10 mile run one way to Cayo Costa State Park. We have been there with the sailboat anchored overnight before going to Punta Gorda.  Really a pretty place.

Here are pictures of today at Gasparilla Island.
This at the end of the Island.

Looking down one of the beaches.

These beautiful trees made a tunnel on one of the side roads.

Looking  back at it after we drove through.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dinner at Ralph and Betts..

Slept in today an then I made Eggs and bacon, potatoes and toast. Early afternoon, Tom and Elle came over from their boat. Tom has his car. They visited us for a little bit. They plan to sail over to the Bahamas soon.

We went over to Ralph and Betts for dinner. She made pot roast, the whole 9 yards. SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!.  Afterwards we played dominoes. Six's, they had to teach us, never played before. It was fun times.

Thanks you guys, had a wonderful time with you. Always do. :) See you in the spring.

Jan 29, 2012

Today we got up early and we had to put the camper onto the truck and hook the boat too. We took off about 9am for Punta Gorda. We got here approx noon. Wayne wanted to check out Alligator Park,  a 55 an over. It's OK, I like the newer homes and of course not the older ones. You can put your camper/trailer on a lot also, which isn't to bad. But, Marathon????? Something about that place. Like blue water and lots of palm trees. I think Wayne spoiled me.  LOL

Just heated up leftovers from the other night in the oven. Tasted so good. Now we are going to take Sailor for a walkie. Already seen a few dachshunds here. LOL.

No free wifi here, had to buy 3days for $10.00. No cable TV either. What gives...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lunch with Ralph and Bett

Here we are with Bett and Ralph at Mulligans having a wonderful lunch down here in Jensen Beach.
Here is our campsite here at Port St. Lucie
As you can see the sites are small.
Sunset tonight.
Trying to upload pictures, Internet is slow.
Sailor laying in the chair beside me, after his walk tonight.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tom..Tom where are you???...

Does this place look familiar? Yes, We have moored here with our sailboat here in Stuart, Sunset Bay Marina. We came here today looking for our friend Tom from Chester, NS.

Well, we found Tom and Elle, they were coming back from the airport looking at the old airplanes that came in yesterday. We dinghy out in the mooring field to their 39' Benetaeu.

We stayed out on their boat for about 2 hours. It's very nice and BIG.
We met up with Bill and Connie on the other side of the bridge. Windrush is docked their. We went to Jensen Beach to Crawldaddy's for dinner. They had a live band. The streets were full of vendors selling their wears. We have a wonderful time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Arrived at Port Saint Lucie

We left Marathon before 7am. We arrived here at Port St. Lucie campground at noon. Dropped the boat off on our campsite and took off for the Witham Field Airport to see the B-24, B-17 and P-51.
I stayed with Sailor and the camper and Wayne went to the admission and got his ticket to tour the B-24. His dad had been in charge of the camera and developing of the photos in W11.

Sailor and I saw it land and taxi and it came right up in front of the camper/truck. We had the best view. Anyway, the wing just missed the light pole by inches, ( if it did we think the pole would of fell on the camper/truck, that wouldn't been good.) But got stuck in the tree. The guys directing the pilot, what were they doing??  They had to cut limbs to free the wings.
Anyway, these our my pictures, Wayne has better ones.

After all of that excitement they decided to move the plane around to the other side of the admission building. Wayne took his tour and pictures. The other 2 planes hadn't come in, but that's OK, this was the one Wayne wanted to see.

We met up with Bill and Connie on Windrush here in Stuart. We had a wonderful dinner at Mario's.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Stone crabs....

Today we relaxed at the campground. What a beautiful day we are having. Wayne decided to take off the logo (Arctic Fox) on the front of the camper, because it was coming off, the fox is still there, then he waxed it.  Easier to wash when you get all those bug guts while traveling. You still can see the letters from the sun fading. Will have to have new letters made.  Around 6:30pm we went to the Key Fisheries for stone crabs, for me really. Wayne had pecan encrusted grouper, which is also yummy. Wayne had 2, and I had 22.

Jan 24, 2012

We were up early today. First, I washed my hair with the hose. Then went up to the laundry to do 2 loads. So, that's all done. Wayne spent most of the day packing up the screen house,  fueled up the truck.Then I helped him with putting the camper on.

George and Mo came to visit us on their bikes today for about a hour. They are on Passages in the harbor. It was great catching up with them.

 Hooked up the boat and lots of stuff is packed inside the boat this time.
We cooked burgers on our grill and called it a day. We are all ready to leave about 7am tomorrow.
You can see that I have the computer on the table and trying to post. All ready to go, all are friends want us to stay. We are missing the "PIG ROAST" this Saturday by Wildwood Stables camper across from us from Sailsbury SC. :( 
I took this in the dark, I couldn't even see him in the camera. Sailor has his new tennis ball by his head. He's waiting while Wayne and I are packing up the chairs, table and rug.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back to Key West with Friends...

George and Maryann came and picked us up and we headed to Key West. We walked slow, in and out of stores on Duval St. We had lunch at Hogs Breath. Afterwards we walked  back down Duval St. and back to the car. We drove to the Southernmost Point so George and Maryann could get a picture in front of it and the sun was going down.

Ya know, Maryann had to wear the same red bikini as me. LOL

We were back about 7:30. My foot was killing me, so I had to put it up and relax. :(

Jan 22, 2012

Around 1pm we put the boat in and took George and Maryann for a boat ride into Boot Key Harbor. We had a late lunch at Dockside. Afterwards we went through Sisters Creek and out to the ocean and around under the 7 mile bridge and back to the campground. It was a beautiful ride and pretty calm seas.  They are leaving tomorrow and going back to her sister in Florida and leaving for New York on Saturday.
It was so nice that they came down and stayed a few days. I think they will be back.

Talked to WayneO and Lila on Skype. He has it on his new phone. We have a slow connection and the picture is messed up. Maybe when we get to Stuart it will work better.

Quiet night around here. I watched a movie and finished reading my kindle book. Now, I have to upload more books.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lunch with cruisers...

Around noon we met up with cruisers for lunch at the Hurricane. We met new and old friends. It was nice catching up.

Our friends George and Maryann  (AKA Mom mom Maryann, Pop pop George).  Sailor was so happy to see Mom mom Maryann he jump into her lap and gave her kisses. When he saw Pop pop George he tried to get into his pocket for a cookie. They are from Long Island NY and dock their boat at our marina in NJ. They were visiting her sister her in south Florida. So, they had a 4 hour ride to Marathon.

We brought them to see the campground. Tomorrow they are picking us up and we are going to Key West. Maryann wants to SHOP!!!!   :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding Friends....

We put the boat in today and took a ride into Boot Key Harbor to find some friends we traveled with to the Bahamas a few years ago. We found Passages, no one home. But we'll catch up with George and Mo soon. We have been in touch through facebook. We found John and Mary on Marylee, who we also traveled with the same year. We talked to him for a while. So nice to see him also. We also found Waves of Grace in the harbor. We talked to Pat and Walt just a few minutes, they were moving onto a mooring ball. Pat was yelling across to invite us to lunch at the Hurricane tomorrow.

We decided to stop and eat a late lunch at Dockside today. The view from where we ate. Afterwards we rode back to see if anyone was home at Passage. Nope. So we went through Sisters Creek and back around to the camp to take the boat out. The water today was flat so the ride back in the ocean was sweet.
Well, finally a sunset with no clouds to go behind. What a beautiful site to see. A beautiful day of 75 and calm water. What an ending. Life is Good!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gulf Stream

We had to go to Burdines to fuel up before we headed out to the Gulf Stream. It's only a few times a year that the gulf is close. I say 10 miles instead of 25 miles. I don't know way, the guys here say so, anyway, going to see if we can catch a Mai Mai.
It's a beautiful day. It's hard to see in this picture, but the top part is the Gulf Stream, darker blue water. We are trolling along the sea grass for fish. The water on this side is green.
This picture of the engine is in the Gulf side, the water is so blue. We have seen huge green sea turtles, which I can't seem to catch on camera.  Also, jellyfish, man-o-wars, flying fish.......Where's the Mai Mai......:(
A pod of dolphins we came upon. The leader was smacking his tail on top of the water, a warning to the others. Three came right up to the bow and were jumping around. Sailor was barking and I was trying to take pictures. Thought I had it on record, but no. So this is the one good shot I got..LOL   Do I have the luck or what......give me a brack camera.
Wayne keep trying to catch the Mai Mai, but no luck :(

So, we went to the 7 mile bridge and anchored. This is where all the guys are catching fish.  OK, so now Sailor is having a bark fest the whole time. Bark,BARK,BARKKKKK. Wayne caught a small porgy and threw it back. BARK,BARK and more BARKING. We are thinking, maybe, he  thinks we are putting treats on the hook. Where are the fish. If we had to fish to eat, we would starve... LOL. OK, we are done. Back to take out the boat.

Anyway, it was beautiful in the Gulf Stream. No fish, leftovers for dinner.

p.s. I'm done fishing. Wayne can take guys out with him. I'd rather take a ride and find dolphins and try to get them on camera.  LOL

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tiki Time....:)

Today was a nice day. Still to windy to take the boat out. We took a ride in town. Wayne found out it's our new hose line to the grill that was bad. Looked all over town, none to be found. We will try Home Depot in Key West when we go next week. The grill works great on the 16oz tanks.

We walked over to the 7 Mile Grill and Tiki Bar for dinner.
We walked around the back and had pizza for me and fish for Wayne. Sailor was also allowed here. First time here. A new band was trying out and we enjoyed listening. All the times we been in Marathon, we didn't realize this place was here. We'll be back for sure.

It was around 9pm when we walked back to the campground. You could here the island music all the way to our site.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan 15, 2012  
We said our goodbye's to Claude and Frank from Quebec. They were going to another campground in the Everglades.

It's too windy to take the boat out. I decided to do laundry and get that out of the way. I also made new england clam chowder in the chock pot. We took a ride to the Publix for some crusty bread to go with it. I took bowls of it over to our neighbors to try it. It was a hit, came out so YUMMY.

Jan 16, 2012

This afternoon, windy low 70's. Sailor is under dog in Wayne's sweatshirt. Next to Wayne is Jim our neighbor. Nobody went out in their boats. Tomorrow is suppose to lay down and be nice. Let's hope so.
Wayne cooked hamburgers on the grill for dinner. Taste real good.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Key West

Well, today is a good day to go to Key West. It's real windy, to ruff to take the boat out. We got down there at noon. Just took our time walking and going in and out stores. We stopped intl\o Sloppy Joe's for some pizza. We were both having pizza withdrawals. LOL.

We walked a lot more and then I just had to stop and rest my foot. Took some pain reliever. We walked part of the Wharf, but not the whole thing, turned back until I needed to get off my foot. We ended up back at Sloppy Joe's to see Pete and Wayne show. at 5:30pm. They are so funny.

We walked some more and then headed for the parking lot to get the truck. It takes about a hour to get back to the camper. Wayne started to watch a movie, RV. We laughed so much. Sailor was so tired, he wouldn't open his eyes. LOL

We wore him out walking in Key West.