Getting ready to leave Titusville Municipal Marina this morning.

We left Titusville Marina aprox. 9am. this morning. As we were leaving, Wayne saw a manatee. I kept looking back to see. The manatee only stuck up his big nose out of the water. That was all that I had seen. Woopi- Do!

This is one of the many bridges we went threw today. Titusville is building a new bridge next to the swing bridge. That's Sheet Music behind us. We did see dolphins today. One decided to come right up to the side of the boat. Sailor had a good looky see and started barking at it. It started out being a hot morning and early afternoon. Then you could see a front coming in from the ocean. The guys decided to go into a marina instead a anchorage. Weather is calling for high winds and chances of T-storms. So, we arrived in Melbourne Harbor Marine approx. 3pm. today. Mile Marker # 918.7. Nice area with condo's all around and a park that you can take your dog. When I jumped ship, I took up the sheets and towels to wash. Nobody was around, so it was a good time to do it. After I had that chore finished, we decided to eat dinner at the Dockside Restaurant here. We took a walk around afterwards. The wind has picked up and you can see lighting in the distance.

Chuck ,Malcolm, & Bumm's
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