Overcast today with rain. So, the guys decided to stay here. Wayne and I took Sailor for a long walk through the campground. Walked over where they have a gift shop and a small aquarium. Afterward we treated ourselves with ice cream. Yummy.
Chuck was working on his boat project. Wayne was cleaning out the water filters in the drains in the bathroom. Our water pump sounds loud. It did sound better after he did that. Anyway, we are afraid it my stop working. He borrowed Chuck's bike and went to West Maine for a pump. (Just in case we need one in the Bahamas). If not, we can return it later. Of course, he picked up some other stuff too.
While the guys were doing their things, Kathy was giving Jazzy a hair cut. I was sitting on my boat reading. If she needed me, I was right there. Jazzy was real good girl for her mommy. Kathy had to stop, because, the wind was blowing Jazzy hair out of the boat. It looked like it was snowing. She was afraid the rangers would say something.
I cooked tonight. Smoked porkchops, honey carrots, baked beans, salad, cheezy garlic biscuits and chocolate pudding with cream.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sailed out to Grecian Rocks
This morning we decided to go snorkeling. Wayne tied our dinghy to Chuck & Kathy's boat at the dock. We motored out of the park to the ocean. It was about a six mile run. We sailed most of the way there. Jazzy spent most of her trip below, laying on the seat. Sailor was up top sitting on my lap. Wayne had put his fishing line out. Of course, you know who goes CRAZY when you touch the fishing rod......Sailor!!!!
As you can see the water is beautiful. Wayne is looking for a spot to snorkel. The first reef we went to was way to ruff for us. So, we went to the next reef. Grecian Rock Reef. There were already three snorkel boats at moorings. Chuck hooked on a mooring ball, while Wayne ran the boat. While Chuck & Kathy were getting geared up, the other boats left. So we moved over to another mooring ball where it was more protected from the reef and we were hardly rocking at all.
We were about 50 feet from this sign. In 71/2 feet of water. Kathy said around this sign were large fish and coral. A real pretty spot. Wayne had jumped in and had to go for a looky see.
That's Kathy snorkeling away from the boat.
Have to put out your flag when your snorkeling or diving. That's the red with while stripe flag flying on Bum'sRest.
The three happy snorkels.
It was close to 4pm when they all were back on the boat. We were starving. So we had a late lunch. On the way back we motored sailed for a little while and motored the rest of the way in. We got back to Pennekamp around 6pm. We got Bum'sRest settled back into her slip and hooked up to electric.
About 7:30pm, Kathy, cooked a light dinner. Steak, salad. Coffee and cookies. Perfect.
We talked to WayneO, Lila, Lori, Mommom & Poppop Petzak, Mommom Florida Bumm and Bob Bowling today. Sounds like you guys are getting hit with snow again.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Glass bottom boat
We woke up to a beautiful day here in John Pennecamp Park. I was tired, because, I stayed up late to blog and played games on the computer. Kathy had ask me if I wanted to go with them on a glass bottom boat ride. Sure, never done that before. Wayne wasn't interested in going. We left here around 12:30pm. Went out the channel that we had came in yesterday. It takes 45 minutes to get to Molasses Reef, named after a shipwreck of molasses to make rum. The boat went approx 20 knots, it felt like we were flying. It was a little ruff. We walked up top in the air going out.
Chuck sitting, and hanging over the glass bottom. It was ruff, so I couldn't sit. Kathy and I are standing across and looking down.
Chuck in with the captain on the ride out.
The water was clear. Your could see the fish and coral.
Here we are heading back in. The ride was a lot better. You can see the different water color.
The harbor coming back. See our sailboats docked. We made it back by 2:30pm. Wayne and Chuck walked to a West Marine. Wayne needed a new fan for the engine compartment. It keeps it cooled while underway. Ours had stopped working. I went into the campgrounds to find the bathhouse. I needed to take a shower and wash my hair.
Around 6pm. we all walked about a half mile to the Fish Co. Restaurant for dinner. We sat outside on a porch and had a wonderful dinner.
Hey look, my eyes are closed. What a surprise!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Made it to John Pennekamp State Park in Key Largo
We didn't have to start out to early, only a 20 mile trip to John Pennekamp State Park. As I was looking out into the canal this morning, guess what I saw?? Dolphins, right behind our boats. We think they had a couple of babies, too. Not sure, because, the carp are huge and flip out of the water. Anyway, it was fun watching them swim around and blowing their air hole each time they came to surface.
Pulled the lines and took off approx 10:15am. Went through the skinny canal out to the ocean. Followed little stakes on port side till we were in deeper water. Beautiful day, a little choppy. Wayne did put his fishing line out. Had a hit (big one got away). Will he ever catch a fish??? Something that we can eat!!!!
Just look at Sheet Music and the water!!
Chuck, relaxing is his captains chair.
I cooked tonight. Homemade Lasagne, salad, garlic bread and chocolate pudding with cream.
Pulled the lines and took off approx 10:15am. Went through the skinny canal out to the ocean. Followed little stakes on port side till we were in deeper water. Beautiful day, a little choppy. Wayne did put his fishing line out. Had a hit (big one got away). Will he ever catch a fish??? Something that we can eat!!!!
Just look at Sheet Music and the water!!
OK Mom! Can we go back to the dog park now???
This is just going into the John Pennekamp entrance. Mangrove's everywhere you look.
Chuck & Kathy were right behind us. All that green is mangroves. We were going real slow. The water is clear and you can see the rocks on the bottom. Most of the time we have 7foot of water, once we saw 5'9" depht. There is one bend that you call on your VHF radio and say your coming around. You can't see if there is another boat coming. Most of the boats blow a horn. We pulled into our slip approx 2pm. There are no finger docks. So, here we go again, pole dancing to get off.
Katht relaxing with a glass of wine.
Chuck, relaxing is his captains chair.
I cooked tonight. Homemade Lasagne, salad, garlic bread and chocolate pudding with cream.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Treasure Harbor Marina in Plantation Key
Front of marina, see green & blue bimini's? That's our sailboats.
Bum's Rest
Chuck and Jazzy going for a ride
Jazzy being picked up from her swim back to the boat. I least we know she can swim and the life jacket worked well. Kathy toweled dried her and put her back in the dinghy. Chuck tied a rope on her this time.
Now it was time for us to go for our ride. Mailed Kathy's packages off, picked up some bread at Win-Dixie and visited the Verizon store. Of course, they didn't have the phone she wanted. Now have to wait till we return to Miami next week. So, now we walk, walk, walk, walking, walking and more walking. Almost 5 miles back. Two hours it took to get back. I had my walking shoes on too, but, did I get blisters!! At least it wasn't blistering hot and we were on the old U.S. highway 1 that had a bike path on the side. Very little traffic. Thank goodness. I couldn't stop because my legs an feet were screaming, just wanted to get back and take the sneakers off. I'll walk two miles, but what we did was to much. TAXI.........
Wayne had walked down to a restaurant for ice this morning, and the owner gave Wayne a bucket full. So, we walked down for dinner, and returned his bucket. It was very good. I had ribs that fell off the bone. Yum! Wayne had grilled grouper. The place is called Chilli-Willie's.
Thank goodness I didn't have to cook tonight.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Traveling again!!!!!!!!!!!
We woke up this morning with the boat a rockin. The winds were up. Wayne checked out the weather on the computer. Today 15-20 knots, lower in the afternoon. Called Chuck, and they decided to wait a bit. Mean while, he took Sailor over for a walkie and handed in the bathroom cards. When he got back we put the motor back up on the boat and secured the dinghy. Wayne unhooked the boat from the mooring approx. 9:15am. We pulled away and went out Sister's Creek. Chuck & Kathy were right behind us.
Leaving the mooring field in Boot Key Harbor City Marina, Marathon Fl.
Coming out of Sisters Creek to the Atlantic Ocean
Motor sailing along in the blue water.
Click on this pic, make it bigger. Sheet Music is out there.
Sailor catching some shut eye in the sun.
It was a bright sunny day, 2-3 foot waves. It wasn't so bad. Winds down to 15 knots. The guys decided to go into Treasure Harbor in Plantation Key on the ocean side. We wanted to go to John Pennekamp State Park. But, it would of been to dark by the time we would of gotten there. To go back into the mangroves to get to the dock. So, we'll do that tomorrow. We pulled into here about 4pm. We are tied up to a dock with electric. YAHOO!!!
Kathy cooked tonight. Beef fajitas. We skipped dessert and coffee. Took the dogs for a walk instead.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hours at the marina doing laundry!
Didn't want to wake up this morning, but had too. Kathy & I had wash to do. I had 2 loads, she had 4. Wayne took me over so I could get in line. Chuck dropped off Kathy's and I put her stuff behind me. She had ran up to the office. I was there at 8:45am and waited about 30 minutes for the first washer and a few minutes later for the second one. Then had to wait more than a hour for the first dryer. One washer broken out of six. Two dryers broken out of six. The place was packed. I was done by noon. Kathy by 1pm.
Wayne had taken the propane bottle over to the gas station to be topped off for the stove, before we do the crossing. Piled all the wash in the dinghy. We had to wear rain gear, because it was so windy the water was spraying over the sides of the dinghy. Just got back in time. It started to rain hard. Kathy got caught over at the laundry room for a extra hour waiting for the rain to stop.
That's Debbie from About Time & Kathy with Jazzy on the floor.
I had 2 loads going here.
Three washers on this wall. (Bill from Kittywake reading the paper).
Wayne had taken the propane bottle over to the gas station to be topped off for the stove, before we do the crossing. Piled all the wash in the dinghy. We had to wear rain gear, because it was so windy the water was spraying over the sides of the dinghy. Just got back in time. It started to rain hard. Kathy got caught over at the laundry room for a extra hour waiting for the rain to stop.
Just made it back. Sheet Music is on the left. It dropped at least 10 degrees. While it was raining, I started to make potato salad for dinner. Put all the laundry away. Wayne put up a new fan in the bedroom. Chuck had given it to Wayne a while back. It runs on less amps. He's putting the old one up in the free box at the marina, with a note on it saying it works on 12 volts.
I cooked tonight, Hamburgers, potato salad, chips and chocolate pudding with cream.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Shopped till we dropped
Yesterday, not much was going on. I strayed on the boat. Wayne floated around the sailboat in the dinghy and I pulled him around with a rope. He scrubbed the bottom with a long handle brush. Also, he helped a sailboat that ran a ground get off with our dinghy and another guy in his dinghy. I guess they were looking for a anchorage and not watching where the channel was.
Kathy cooked. broiled crab cakes on shrimp (YUMMY) mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and chocolate pudding with cream.
Today, we took Sailor over for his walkie. We took him to the ball fields. In between the 2 fields is a fenced in area where he can run without his lease. He really liked that. I waited for Kathy to come to land and we both walked to Publix. We shopped till we dropped. Packing the boat for the Bahamas. She called Daves Taxie, and they were right there when we came out of Publix. Good thing it was a van. We packed it. Called Chuck and Wayne to come over with the dinghies. We both did it in one trip. I was wet by the time we reached the boat, It is a windy hot day. It took me an hour to pack all the food away. Lots of can good, water, coffee, beer, paper products , etc.
The four of us went to Dockside for dinner. They had a band playing, which was good.
Kathy cooked. broiled crab cakes on shrimp (YUMMY) mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and chocolate pudding with cream.
Today, we took Sailor over for his walkie. We took him to the ball fields. In between the 2 fields is a fenced in area where he can run without his lease. He really liked that. I waited for Kathy to come to land and we both walked to Publix. We shopped till we dropped. Packing the boat for the Bahamas. She called Daves Taxie, and they were right there when we came out of Publix. Good thing it was a van. We packed it. Called Chuck and Wayne to come over with the dinghies. We both did it in one trip. I was wet by the time we reached the boat, It is a windy hot day. It took me an hour to pack all the food away. Lots of can good, water, coffee, beer, paper products , etc.
The four of us went to Dockside for dinner. They had a band playing, which was good.
It's a ten minute ride in the dinghy to get here.
This is what I have to deal with!!!!!
This is alot better.
Of course, one of Kathy and Chuck.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sunny hot day in the Marathon
Wayne took Sailor to the Sombrero Beach this morning for his walk. You use Sister's Creek to get there. While he was doing that, I was on the computer doing bills. When he returned, we both took showers and straighten up the boat.
In the afternoon, we dinghied over to "Noble House" to see our friends Barbara & Dennis, Abbey their golden retriever. We took a bottle of wine and some goodies, too.
Dennis & Barbara, Abbey
Abbey is 10, and a sweet girl.
Chuck & Kathy had taken their friends out sailing today. I knew what time they were coming back in, so, I text her. After they dinghied their friends back to the marina, they dinghied over to Noble House, also. We all enjoyed our visit with them today. Thanks you for having all of us.
(left) Dennis, Jazzy, Chuck, Barbara and Sailor
When we returned to our boat, Sailor jumped up on the companion way......BAD DOG!!!! Who me? He never does that. Anyway, my phone was ringing, it was our daughter Michelle, wanting to skpye. Ran down to turn on the computer. Here April and baby Lila were visiting Auntie Michelle. So, Wayne took pictures off of skype with my camera. Their not good, but you can tell who they are.
April, Michelle and 7 month old Lila
Hi Lima Bean....Lila Bumm
I cooked tonight. Thin slice beef rolled up with stuffing. String beans, baked potatoes, mint chocolate brownies with cream. I was stuffed.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Meeting up with new friends this afternoon
A beautiful day we woke up to. It's windy today, but, actually feels good in the high 70's. Wayne and Sailor went for a walkie. Then he walked down to West Marine again to retrieve his flannel shirt he left there the other day. While he was out, I went with Kathy to the Publix. Mostly to walk Jazzy girl and us. We needed to get off the boat for a few hours. I bought a cuban bread sandwich and spit it with Kathy. We sat in the shade in the Publix parking lot.
When Chuck & Kathy brought be back with the groceries, Wayne & Sailor wasn't here. My social butterflies were out some where in the dinghy. About an hour later they returned. They were other on "About Time", Dan & Deb from Va. They are friends of Gary & Kathy on Windkist, who we met 3 years ago. They had stopped in the other day to met us. Gary & Kathy had told them we were her in the harbor. Later in the afternoon we took some goodies and cocktails over to sit on their 46ft hunter. WoW! We had a nice time enjoying their company and watching the sunset together. Both, Dan & Deb blew their conch horns at the same time. Each had a different sound.
When Chuck & Kathy brought be back with the groceries, Wayne & Sailor wasn't here. My social butterflies were out some where in the dinghy. About an hour later they returned. They were other on "About Time", Dan & Deb from Va. They are friends of Gary & Kathy on Windkist, who we met 3 years ago. They had stopped in the other day to met us. Gary & Kathy had told them we were her in the harbor. Later in the afternoon we took some goodies and cocktails over to sit on their 46ft hunter. WoW! We had a nice time enjoying their company and watching the sunset together. Both, Dan & Deb blew their conch horns at the same time. Each had a different sound.
Deb & Dan from "About Time", with Sailor.
We had a dinner date back at Sheet Music at 7pm. Kathy cooked tonight. Ham with pineapple/cherries, scallop potatoes, corn, biscuits, chocolate pudding or rice pudding with cream.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
We invited Jim & Linda for a sail today. Wayne went over to the dinghy dock to pick them up. Before we could leave, Wayne attached the dinghy to the mooring ball. Then we pulled away from the mooring ball and went out through Sisters Creek. We've been down this way with the dinghy, but never with the sailboat. It takes you right out to the ocean.
This is the first time for Jim & Linda on a sailboat, other then a sunfish. It is a beautiful sunny high in the 70's day. Winds were 8-10 knots. We sailed out 9 miles, first through green water, turquoise and dark blue waters. Jim & Wayne both put a fishing line out. Jim is a captain of his own three fishing boat charters, back in NJ. He knows a lot about different kinds of fish. He was pointing out different ones he saw today. I wanted a Wahoo for dinner, but no luck today. Jim saw three dolphin's coming towards the boat. They stayed with us a few minutes. They were brown and white freckled, not the gray color. On the way back a sea turtle popped his head up for a look. Lots of flying fish. A lot of dead fish, big and small floating around out here in the ocean and in the harbor.
This is the first time for Jim & Linda on a sailboat, other then a sunfish. It is a beautiful sunny high in the 70's day. Winds were 8-10 knots. We sailed out 9 miles, first through green water, turquoise and dark blue waters. Jim & Wayne both put a fishing line out. Jim is a captain of his own three fishing boat charters, back in NJ. He knows a lot about different kinds of fish. He was pointing out different ones he saw today. I wanted a Wahoo for dinner, but no luck today. Jim saw three dolphin's coming towards the boat. They stayed with us a few minutes. They were brown and white freckled, not the gray color. On the way back a sea turtle popped his head up for a look. Lots of flying fish. A lot of dead fish, big and small floating around out here in the ocean and in the harbor.
Linda looks like she's holding on for her life......not really.
This is a great picture of you two.....look at that water!
Thank you for bringing the goodies for lunch. We so enjoyed having you both with us today.
We returned to the mooring ball around 4pm. Linda had a date with girlfriends for dinner at Burdines. We also had plans.
Every Wednesday, at 5:30pm, the city marina has a meet and great dinner. I whipped up hot dog & beans. We put Sailor in his crate and dinghied over. The place was crowded. Many different dishes, but I was the only one with hot dog and beans. The dish was scarped clean.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Lazy day in Marathon
Wayne dinghied me over so I could get my hair washed and shower. He and Sailor walked to West Marine for STUFF!!. Anyway, when we returned to the boat, Chuck & Kathy had gone out sailing. They put their dingy on the ball.
The day started out sunny and warm. Then by 2:30pm the clouds came in and it cooled down a lot. We enjoyed the afternoon reading. Wayne got a call from Jim & Linda, his high school friends, to see if we wanted to meet up for dinner. We decided Dockside, so we could take Sailor. Called Kathy to see if they wanted to met up with us too. That means she doesn't have to cook tonight. They were coming back to the mooring ball when we were leaving in the dinghy. They did show up for dinner. Dockside had heaters on next to us. We had to ask them to turn them down. I had put on a insulted top, with a extra top on top and jeans.
Sailor under his daddies shirt
Making the waitress take pictures. (Back) Chuck, Jim
(Front) Linda, Wayne, Me and Kathy. As always, we had a nice time.
Jim and Linda drove home and we all had to dinghy back to the boats. Not to far a ride, about 10 minutes. We got all settled in for the night. While I was on the computer, Sailor and his daddy got comfy together.
Monday, January 18, 2010
A quite day in Marathon
The marina is closed today, observing Martin L. King. But, we still had our pump out at 12noon. Good thing, by 1pm the pump out boat was being towed in. His engine must of broken down.That was cutting it close.
It's really a beautiful sunny 72. Not much wind blowing. Not much going on today. One of the guys dinghied over to ask about our boat. He has a friend that has the same one and wants to go over to the Bahamas. He was afraid it was to small of a boat. Wayne gave him a boat card and told him to have his friend call with any questions.
I caught Kathy sitting on the bow reading a book with Jazzy.
It's really a beautiful sunny 72. Not much wind blowing. Not much going on today. One of the guys dinghied over to ask about our boat. He has a friend that has the same one and wants to go over to the Bahamas. He was afraid it was to small of a boat. Wayne gave him a boat card and told him to have his friend call with any questions.
I caught Kathy sitting on the bow reading a book with Jazzy.
At sunset tonight the conch shell horns were blowing. Then the guy next to us was trying to blow his. So, Wayne, had to get his shell out of hiding and show off his talents. There were quite a few blowers tonight.
I cooked tonight. I made spaghetti with shrimp, salad, mint chocolate brownies with chocolate pudding with cream.
As Wayne was dinghing Sailor in for his last walkie tonight, he saw a red flare in the sky. So, he called the Coast Guard and reported it. Don' t know if they found anything or not.
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